Interactive Map of West China Missionaries' Birth Places, Canada


Interactive Map of West China Missionaries' Birth Places, Canada
The map presented here is based on birth place data for missionaries who served in West China, 1885-1952, researched and compiled by members of the Imaginaries and Modernities research team. It does not encompass all such missionaries, but enough of them to present clear trends in their places of origin. Here we present two still images of the data from Canada - the whole country and just Ontario. The first shows a strong concentration of birth places in central Canada while only a scattering of individuals in the east and west. The latter shows that a disproportionately large number of West China missionaries were born in Ontario, even when one includes those born in the USA or UK.

Follow the "Source" link to an interactive version of the map where you can drill down to individuals' birth places. Click on a "pin" to see the name of the missionary and their hometown.
Dr. Amy Kaler, University of Alberta
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