Sling for Carrying a Large Stone Six men work in unison with a sling device in order to transport a large stone. Alfred Johns drew a picture of the sling device on the back of the photograph.
Farmers Carrying Crops A group of farmers carry large bales of grain on their back along a stone road. Another man's back can be seen in the foreground.
1926 Sichuan Women's Higher Education Degrees Bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of female missionaries with higher education degrees within and beyond the cohort.
1926 Sichuan Men's Higher Education Degrees Bar chart based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of male missionaries with higher education degrees within and beyond the cohort.
1926 Denomination and Gender of All Missionaries in Sichuan Pie and bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, showing the percentage of all missionaries in Sichuan by denomination and gender.
1926 Gender & Marriage Status of North American Missionaries in Sichuan Bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of cohort versus non-cohort West China missionaries by gender, and by gender and marriage status.
1926 Field Locations of all Missionaries in Sichuan Bar chart based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of cohort versus non-cohort West China missionary societies by the locations of their designated mission fields.
1926 Denominations of all Missionaries in Sichuan Pie and bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of cohort versus non-cohort West China missionary societies.
1926 Sichuan Missionaries' Nationalities Pie chart based on the 1926 WCMAB list, showing the percentage of all West China missionaries by the nationalities of their mission societies.
The West China Missions Advisory Board’s Directory 1926, According to Missions Subtitle: "Arranged in Denominational Groups, giving home addresses of the Boards, or Societies, and the Chinese names of missionaries, with the dates of their first arrival in China." Document also contains list arranged alphabetically.
1978 Li Bing Statue at Er Wang Temple, Dujiangyan Statue of Li Bing at a courtyard facing an opera stage at Er Wang Temple. In contrast with earlier statues, this one portrays realism, movement and individualism. There is no altar or offerings in front of him.
1978 Temple Pavilion Roof, Dujiangyan Looking west from a balcony of Fulong Guan Temple over the roof of the octagonal pavilion in the courtyard below. The Flying Sand Spillway can be seen beyond the treetops. The arial view of Fulong Guan Temple shows the location of this pavilion in the courtyard.
1978 Dujiangyan Neijiang River 2 Looking south down the Neijiang River from the south side of the Fulong Guan Temple one can see recently constructed stone embankments. Logs on the river wind their way towards the South Bridge. Power lines stretch across the foreground. The city of Kuanhsien (Guanxian) extends into the distance.
1978 Dujiangyan Neijiang River 1 Looking south down the Neijiang River from the south side of the Fulong Guan Temple one can see recently constructed stone embankments. Logs on the river wind their way towards the South Bridge. Power lines stretch across the foreground. The city of Kuanhsien (Guanxian) extends into the distance.
1978 Dujiangyan Logging 2 Looking northwest from a porch on the Fulong Guan Temple, the Anlan Bridge can be seen in the far distance up the Inner River. The logging operations in the foreground stretch out to the opening of the Flying Sand Spillway to the Outer River.
1978 Dujiangyan Logging 1 Looking north from a porch on the Fulong Guan Temple, the Anlan Bridge can be seen in the far distance up the Inner River. In the foreground, logging operations appear to be in place.
1978 Looking South Past Erwang Temple, Dujiangyan Looking south over the roof of Er Wang Temple and the peak with the Rhinoceros Fighting Pavillion. The Inner River hugs the west bank on its way to the Bottleneck, or Precious Vase Neck, water intake. To the right, water is flowing freely through the Flying Sand Spillway to the Outer River and onward to irrigate the plain. Behind it can be seen a new narrow channel with a bridge.
1978 Dujiangyan Panorama with Anlan Bridge Looking west across the new Anlan Bridge spanning the Inner and Outer Rivers, and showing three pavilions. Power lines span the Island separating Inner and Outer Rivers. A flat industrial landscape is on the opposite shore.
1978 Dujiangyan Panorama 3 Looking slightly southwest over a stone wall or barricade. Panoramic scene showing both sides of the new Anlan Bridge with the small pavilions in the middle and end. Power lines span the Island separating Inner and Outer Rivers. The Outer River separates into two streams.
1978 Dujiangyan Panorama 2 Looking west. Panoramic scene showing the Fishmouth with new viewing platform and logs on it, the remains of the 1803 bamboo cable bridge, and a close look at the Outer River Sluice and dam. A flat industrial landscape stretches into the distant fog in the background.
1978 Dujiangyan Panorama 1 Looking slightly northwest. Panoramic scene showing the Fishmouth with new viewing platform and logs on it, the remains of the 1803 bamboo cable bridge, and a good view of the Outer River Sluice.
1978 Dujiangyan Fishmouth Panorama Panoramic view of the waterworks at Dujiangyan showing the Fishmouth and Inner and Outer Rivers of the original system, as well as the new Anlan Bridge, the Outer River Sluice, and the concrete dam, the latter three completed in the early 1970s. At the right one can see an industrial building on the shoreline.
1978 China Delegation Group photograph of 30 people, including those who were delegates on the 1978 Canadian school in West China trip. The leader of the trip, Bill Small, stands in the middle with a white suit on. Chinese members of the party are associated with the Canada China Friendship Association.
1969 Canadian School Picnic Group photograph showing 37 people seated and standing on a lawn in front of a row of trees. The individuals in the photograph are alumni of the Canadian School in West China attending the annual picnic at Toronto Island.
1978 Canadian School Delegation - Dujiangyan Visit In 1978 a group of Canadian school in West China alumni visited China in a delegation led by Bill small. One of the stops on the trip was at the famous Dujiangyan waterworks. This is Part One of two Event series based on this trip. The photographs in this series document the many changes to the waterworks system made by the Chinese government in the early 1970s. Part Two focuses on temple architecture and lattice work at Dujiangyan.