1911 Revolution in Chengdu This event begins with news that the Chengdu Yamen has ordered all missionaries to move inside the city walls. It continues with the Johns' confinement in the Canadian Methodist Mission's new hospital (Sept. 6th - Nov. 17th, 1911) to the various activities around Chengdu on November 25th, 1911, which include the induction of new leadership and Walter and Lottie Small's wedding.
Dike Workers Wheeling Away Soil Wide angle shot of the dike workers, many of them wearing straw hats, transporting wheelbarrows full of dirt across the field. The foreground features a child with a bicycle. On the left, in the background, is a tall pole of unknown purpose.
Dike Workers In the Field Wide angle shot of the dike construction project. The background shows several dozen men working along the dike wall with wheelbarrows and shovels. A small group in the foreground appear to be at rest near the bottom of the pits from which they are digging soil for the dike.
Dike Builders Transporting Dirt A very large group of dike workers with carrying poles on their shoulders with pairs of wooden buckets filled with soil. The two supervisors are on the right. In the foreground are pits from which the soil has been taken.
Dike Builders at Rest Picture of a dozen of the dike builders lounging and taking a break. Most of the individuals pictured are looking directly at the cameraman. There are two main groups, the one in the foreground, resting on the side of the dike wall, and another in the background resting near a mound of dirt. Clothes and tools are littered all about.
Dike Builders on the Move Picture shows the dike builders with shovels and moving wooden buckets of dirt. In the upper left of the photo, in the background, a small forest can be seen. There is a supervisor on the right, wearing a hat and shoes, pointing.
Wide Angle Image of Dike Project Wide angle shot of the dike project, featuring several hundred workers digging. The project is taking place in a large field, where a few trees can be seen.
Chinese Dike Workers Several dozen dike workers from the famine relief project, with shovels, on top of the dike wall. A dozen of them are constructing a yurt. On the left of the image, some thatched roof houses from the villages can be seen.
Famine Relief Workers with Shovels Group of several dozen workers with shovels. Two supervisors look upon the men in more formal attire, wearing shoes. Several workers in the background are constructing a yurt.
Famine Relief Parents and Children Group of a dozen parents and children crowded together. The woman in the front has a basket. Most of the people have pained expressions on their faces, and are directly facing the camera. They are wearing simple cotton garments and are standing amongst thatched roof buildings in a street.
Line for Famine Relief A group of about three dozen peasants with baskets to carry away the food the missionaries are supplying for the famine relief project. They also have small white pieces of paper in their hands that may be used to record the food they are given. The group is in front of a brick building, and there is a straw broom in the foreground.
Famine Relief Line A group of about three dozen peasants with baskets to carry away the food the missionaries are supplying for the famine relief project. They also have small white pieces of paper in their hands that may be used to record the food they are given. The group is in front of a brick building, and there is a straw broom in the foreground.
Little Malnourished Child, 1912 Young emaciated Chinese child with an unhappy expression, wearing baggy garments and sitting on the ground in the dirt. He and the other person in the picture are barefoot. Taken at the scene of famine relief activities, this photograph was probably taken to illustrate a famine victim for the purposes of gaining support abroad.
Alfred Johns and Chinese Man Sitting Portrait of Alfred Johns and an unidentified Chinese man in a western style suit. Both men are seated on wooden chairs outside a brick building.
1912 Famine Relief In the winter and spring of 1912, while the West China missionary community was evacuated to Shanghai and beyond, missionaries of all denominations answered the call to help in famine relief work in the nearby provinces of Nganhwai [Anhui] and Kiangsu [Jiangsu]. Alfred Johns was among those who undertook the work and, fortunately, he documented it with photographs and narrative. Many missionaries survived the famine relief work and returned to their stations, but at least three missionaries died of typhus and smallpox contracted from the famine victims.
Map of China Superimposed on the U.S.A. Figure that demonstrates an outline of China placed over the United States. Can be used to compare the sizes of the two countries. Olin Stockwell either used or planned to use this image in slide lectures that he gave in North America to promote their mission work.
Topographic Map of China Topographic map of China that shows the Szechwan Basin and mountain ranges in the west of Szechwan. Olin Stockwell either used or planned to use this image in slide lectures that he gave in North America to promote their mission work.
Tudi Miao Shrine Small shrine erected to a local Chinese diety in front of a grassy field. Probably along the "Great Road" between Chongqing and Chengdu where shrines such as this to promote crop fertility were commonly seen.
Teaching in a Chinese Class A Chinese teacher leading a class of around twenty younger school age children seated at wooden desks, with a pantheon of deity statues and a mural in the background. During the Japanese invasion of China, starting in 1937, many schools (both mission and government run) had to relocate to West China, taking up residence in abandoned or little used local temples. After the war, these remained convenient locations for instruction.
Chinese Newspaper Posted on a Wall Two teenage boys standing and reading a newspaper bulletin attached to a wall.
Plank Bridge in a Village Scene shows several carriers walking loads across a plank bridge over a river. In the background are some village buildings.
Stockwells in Mission Truck Group of missionaries posing for a picture on the Canadian Methodist Mission truck on the road between Chungking and Chengdu in the hills of Sichuan. The Stockwells took this truck on their way back from furlough in 1946. Foster Stockwell is the small boy to the far left of the group.
Trackers in the Foothill of a Mountain A very large group of trackers, using rope to pull a boat up the Yangtze River. Scene shows a smaller shack and a mountain in the background.
Trackers along the Yangtze Large group of trackers and boats along the Yangtze River. There are several small wooden boats docked on the sandbank of the river, in one of which are seated a large group of people. In the background is one larger boat afloat on the river.
Chinese Laborers in Chungking Group of several laborers carrying water up a steep, narrow street in Chungking. There was no other way to bring water into the city but to carry it up in buckets from the river.