1906-1907 Bowles' First Yangtze River Journey


1906-1907 Bowles' First Yangtze River Journey
Bowles was a member of the "Victoria Eight," graduates of Victoria College at University of Toronto who pledged to become missionaries in China. These six did so, several of them featuring prominently in Bowles' narrative.
This event follows the journey of Newton Bowles from his graduation at Toronto, to his hometown of Whitby, Ontario, across Canada to Victoria, BC, where he boarded an ocean liner to Shanghai, and then traveled up the Yangtze River to Sichuan.
Event Date
1906 - 1907
Published In
Newton Bowles' retrospective narrative of his first journey up the Yangtze River can be seen online at the link below, created by his grandson David Rutherford.
Newton Bowles Memoires: Part 2: On to China

Linked resources

Items with "Event: 1906-1907 Bowles' First Yangtze River Journey"
Title Class
01 Dangerous Rapids on the Yangtze River Image
02 Rapids Through the Yangtze Gorges Image
03 Yangtze River View Showing Sheer Cliff Image
04 Trackers on Shore Preparing for the Gorges Image
05 Bowles Wrecked on the Yangtze River Image
06 Bowles Yangtze River Party at Wreck Site Image
07 Drying Clothes at Bowles' Yangtze River Wreck Image