1924-1926 David Crockett Graham Mt. Omei Treks
1924-1926 David Crockett Graham Mt. Omei Treks
By 1924, DC Graham was working as a field collector for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. The 1925 and 1926 field collecting seasons were adversely affected by the turbulant political climate in China, so Graham was not able to travel very far to make his natural science collections. He didn't let this slow him down. Instead, he collected nearby the missionaries' summer cottages at Mt. Omei (Emeishan). The images in this event series represent the beginning of Graham's systematic study of religion in Sichuan, which he would publish for the Smithsonian in 1926. However, while Graham published some of these images in his monograph, Religion in Szechwan, he didn't actually discuss them much in that publication.
Event Date
Graham, David Crockett. 1926-1929. A collecting trip to Washan and Mount Omei. Journal of the West China Border Research Society 3: 30-33.
Graham, David Crockett. 1928. Religion in Szechuan Province, China. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 80(4): 1-83.