Map of China Superimposed on the U.S.A. Figure that demonstrates an outline of China placed over the United States. Can be used to compare the sizes of the two countries. Olin Stockwell either used or planned to use this image in slide lectures that he gave in North America to promote their mission work.
Topographic Map of China Topographic map of China that shows the Szechwan Basin and mountain ranges in the west of Szechwan. Olin Stockwell either used or planned to use this image in slide lectures that he gave in North America to promote their mission work.
Tudi Miao Shrine Small shrine erected to a local Chinese diety in front of a grassy field. Probably along the "Great Road" between Chongqing and Chengdu where shrines such as this to promote crop fertility were commonly seen.
Teaching in a Chinese Class A Chinese teacher leading a class of around twenty younger school age children seated at wooden desks, with a pantheon of deity statues and a mural in the background. During the Japanese invasion of China, starting in 1937, many schools (both mission and government run) had to relocate to West China, taking up residence in abandoned or little used local temples. After the war, these remained convenient locations for instruction.
Chinese Newspaper Posted on a Wall Two teenage boys standing and reading a newspaper bulletin attached to a wall.
Plank Bridge in a Village Scene shows several carriers walking loads across a plank bridge over a river. In the background are some village buildings.
Stockwells in Mission Truck Group of missionaries posing for a picture on the Canadian Methodist Mission truck on the road between Chungking and Chengdu in the hills of Sichuan. The Stockwells took this truck on their way back from furlough in 1946. Foster Stockwell is the small boy to the far left of the group.
Trackers in the Foothill of a Mountain A very large group of trackers, using rope to pull a boat up the Yangtze River. Scene shows a smaller shack and a mountain in the background.
Trackers along the Yangtze Large group of trackers and boats along the Yangtze River. There are several small wooden boats docked on the sandbank of the river, in one of which are seated a large group of people. In the background is one larger boat afloat on the river.
Chinese Laborers in Chungking Group of several laborers carrying water up a steep, narrow street in Chungking. There was no other way to bring water into the city but to carry it up in buckets from the river.
Water Carriers in Chungking Eleven laborers equipped with wooden buckets gather water up from the riverfront at Chungking. Several boats sit upon the river, and two kids are looking at the laborers.
Group around Garbage Large group of people salvaging a garbage pile. Some are accompanied with wooden baskets. Some of the notorious Sichuan feral dogs get in on the action.
Fortune Teller Several persons gathered around a fortune teller as he reads sacred inscriptions on pieces of paper.
Several Farmers Threshing Grain A small group of four Chinese farmers of varying ages at work around beds of straw. There is some form of stable or barn in the background.
Two Farmers in a Rice Paddy Two farmers are harvesting rice stalks out of a deep rice paddy using wooden buckets to store them. The background shows terrace farmland stretching out for acres.
Farmers Tilling a Field The scene depicts around ten farmers tilling the ground of a farmland, with some hills in the background. The farmers are using wooden plows to till the ground.
Farmer with Manure Farmer pouring manure fertilizer from one wooden bucket to another in an open farmland. Farmers in Sichuan used human excrement, known as "honey buckets," for manure. This was a health hazard that spread intestinal worms and other illnesses, requiring the missionaries to avoid eating all manner of raw produce and to have anti-worm treatments regularly.
Farmer with a Water Buffalo in a Rice Paddy Scene shows a farmer reining in a water buffalo in a cultivated field. There appears to be traditional farmhouse building in the background.
Farmer with Water Buffalo Scene shows a farmer reining in a water buffalo in a cultivated field. There appears to be traditional farmhouse building in the background.
Farm Boy Young Chinese farmboy in a straw hat standing before some trees.
Chinese Druggist Older Chinese druggist at a stall with a carved wooden statuette and several medicines on a counter in front of him.
Statue of Confucius Statue of Confucius placed centrally in an unknown temple.
Christian Church in Chengdu Church operated at Sichengci Street, Chengdu, by the Canadian Methodist Mission with an all native Chinese congregation. One can see a blend of Christian and Chinese iconography. There are twelve male and female members of the choir in total, and they are all wearing brown robes.
Emaciated Group of Beggars A fairly large group of emaciated beggars, several with children. The three beggars in the foreground appear to be an older woman, a mother and child.
Young Chinese Barber Young Chinese boy giving another boy a haircut on the street next to the storefronts, with several onlookers.