Birth Location Population Size, USA (n133) The birth location data in this chart has been researched and gathered from published biographies, interviews with family members, and archival documents. It represents the actual birthplaces for the subset of 133 American missionaries for whom we were able to collect this detailed information.
Percentage of North American Missionary Birth Places by Region (n382) Bar chart of North American missionary birth places based on a dataset of West China missionaries’ biographic information created for the Imaginaries and Modernities among West China Missionaries digital repository and collaborative research environment.
West China Missionary Birth Locations by Percentage (n498) Bar chart of missionary birth nations based on a dataset of West China missionaries’ biographic information created for the Imaginaries and Modernities among West China Missionaries digital repository and collaborative research environment.
1926 Sichuan Women's Higher Education Degrees Bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of female missionaries with higher education degrees within and beyond the cohort.
1926 Sichuan Men's Higher Education Degrees Bar chart based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of male missionaries with higher education degrees within and beyond the cohort.
1926 Denomination and Gender of All Missionaries in Sichuan Pie and bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, showing the percentage of all missionaries in Sichuan by denomination and gender.
1926 Gender & Marriage Status of North American Missionaries in Sichuan Bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of cohort versus non-cohort West China missionaries by gender, and by gender and marriage status.
1926 Field Locations of all Missionaries in Sichuan Bar chart based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of cohort versus non-cohort West China missionary societies by the locations of their designated mission fields.
1926 Denominations of all Missionaries in Sichuan Pie and bar charts based on the 1926 WCMAB list, comparing the percentage of cohort versus non-cohort West China missionary societies.
1926 Sichuan Missionaries' Nationalities Pie chart based on the 1926 WCMAB list, showing the percentage of all West China missionaries by the nationalities of their mission societies.