Earl Willmott with Staff of Jenshow Boys School Earl Willmott poses at back left with the principal and teachers of the boys' middle school he was in charge of in Jenshow, 1922-1933. All the men (except Earl) wear scholar's gowns with cloth shoes. Two of the men wear scholar's hats, and one holds a fan.
Portrait of Chinese Pastor's Family Multigeneration family consisting of Liang and his wife, son and his wife, three boys, two girls and two babies. Note that the girls have "natural feet," having given up foot-binding as Christians and modern Chinese.
Chinese Children Play a Circle Game A large group of children hold hands together in an inner and outer circle, probably playing a game or singing a song. Many of them are looking at the camera with expressions ranging from suspicion to happiness. They wear padded clothing and many of the boys wear hats. A Chinese woman - probably their kindergarten teacher - stands in the back left. They're on the lawn within the mission compound.
Six Chinese Children Playing with Blocks Six well-dressed Chinese children pose in an enclosure made of wooden blocks. There is a brick wall behind them and another child off to the right.
Postcard of the Qutangxia Gorge The panoramic scene is shot from a trackers' path cut out of the rock face. Two boats can be seen on the river, which courses between vertical rock cliffs on both sides. A few people can be seen on the trackers' path, obviously tourists, not trackers. "The Three Gorges" is written in gold letters in both English and Chinese on the front.
Willmott House in Jenshow, c.1970s A large two-story house with double wrap-around verandahs. The yard appears to be unkept with scrappy trees growing up randomly and neither flowers nor grass lawn.
Christmas for Last Group of Missionaries, WCUU 1951 Sixteen missionaries and two small children pose on a lawn at WCUU. I can identify only a very few of them - Leslie Kilborn (far left), Earl and Katharine Willmott (center back and front), Bill Small with one of his small children (center back next to Earl).
Bill Skinner in a Lawn Chair William Skinner reclines is a lawn chair in front of a flowerbed. Behind him can be seen a corner of the Willmott house's porch at WCUU.
Bill Skinner in a Garden William Skinner strikes a casual pose with his hand in the pocket of his suit, standing in front of bushes and trees in the background.
Arranged Wedding at Jenshou, 1920s The bridal couple descend an outdoor staircase. The building could be an aristocratic household, a temple or other public building. The groom wears a scholar's gown with a jacket with center front closure. The bride wears a foreign style wedding dress with veil. Although it looks white, that is not likely at this early date because in Chinese culture white is associated with death. Red is the wedding color, so a lot of Christian brides wore pink as a compromise between the two.
Missionary Children Riding Sacred Fish The sacred fish gong is in the courtyard of a temple. Missionary children sit atop the sacred instrument as if it were a toy. The photographer must have approved. Of a photograph of mish kids standing on the head of the Great Buddha of Leshan, Don Willmott later wrote, "It is an example of what I call the 'colonial attitude' which we had in those days — a kind of innocent arrogance toward the Chinese. We kids would do almost anything we felt like, whether it was disrespectful of their religions or causing damage to their crops. They never dared to retaliate. They were always quite friendly. But maybe they did have in mind that on the Yangtze River, not far away, there were gunboats to protect us, and that sometimes these gunboats took action."
Women Processing and Spinning Cotton The women on the right are preparing the cotton for spinning. The woman on the left is spinning the cotton. She works the treddle with her bound foot.
Harmony Hall Servants, 1922 A group of seven men and one woman posing in the courtyard of "Harmony Hall," Chengdu, where a group of four missionary couples were taking Chinese language and culture lessons.
Actors in the Old Lady Shows Her Medals, 1922 Formal portrait of a group of thirteen missionaries standing on the steps of an unidentified building, probably at WCUU. The women wear winter coats, and the men wear woolen suits. There is one child in the front.
1990s Bottleneck from Fulong Guan Temple Looking down over a tiled and tilted rooftop at Fulong Guan Temple with intricate carvings to an enclosed rectangular balcony and water in the Bottleneck rushing by below.
1990s Fulong Guan Temple Hexagonal Pavillion An hexagonal pavilion at Fulong Guan Temple with a curved rooftop with fanciful animal carvings on it. In the background one can see stucco buildings on a hillside.
1978 Er Wang Miao Lotus Lattice Two panes of lattice form this window at Er Wang Temple. Along the bottom is a horizontally oriented panel with vertical stretched ovals with rectangles in between. Above that is a large rectangular panel with a relief carving of a lotus flower and buds within a vase. Above that is a stylized Chinese character. Through the lattice one can see a very steep tiled rooftop.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple Hexagonal Lattice A group of three lattice windowpanes is arranged into six triangles with a diamond in the center. Within these base forms there are overlapping V-shapes that form a swastika in the center. Joining these dividing shapes are solid circle in the center surrounded by hexagonal lines.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple Rectangular Lattice Lattice window panes arranged in groups of six vertical panels has mostly rectangles within the design. Above these panels is another lattice window oriented horizontally and featuring a pattern that emulates plain weave fabric. There are two groups of this arrangement visible in the photo.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple Circular Lattice Close up of circular lattice window at Fulong Guan Temple. Pattern has a triangle in the center, with asymmetrically placed triangles and irregularly shaped rhombuses that appear to swirl in a clockwise direction.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple Stairs to Lattice Stairs lead up to a wall with a circular lattice window. The river and shoreline can be seen in the background between the treetops.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple through an Archway Several men can be seen through an archway standing between large columns at Fulong Guan Temple. The pavilion can be seen in the background, and a balcony up above.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple in the Rain Two men stand in a courtyard at the Fulong Guan Temple. One of them is Chinese. The other one is probably a delegation member. He holds an umbrella and camera.
1978 Fulong Guan Temple Rooftop Whimsical figures grace the curved rooftop of a balcony in the Fulong Guan Temple.
1978 Front Steps of Fulong Guan Temple Two people with umbrellas ascend the age-worn stone steps of the Fulong Guan Temple at its front entrance.