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Phases of West China Missionary Life Digital Exhibit
Home: Phases of West China Missionary Life
Ch 1: Introduction: Imaginaries and Modernities
Ch 2: The West China Mission
Ch 3: Phase 1 - The Setting and the Call
Ch 3: The West China Cohort
Ch 4: Phase 2 - Initiation Journey
Ch 5: Phase 3 - Initiation into Missionary Work
Ch 6: Phase 4 - Missionary Life "In the Field"
Ch 6: Made in Heaven
Ch 7: Phase 5 - Enculturation of Missionary Microculture
Ch 8: Phase 6 - Furlough: Missionary Life "At Home"
Ch 8: Sending Off for Furlough
Ch 9: Phase 7 - Leaving the Field
Ch 10: Phase 8 - After China: Reintegrating into North American Society
Ch 10: Returning to West China
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Aerial view of Fulong Guan Temple showing pavilion in courtyard
Part of
1978 Temple Pavilion Roof, Dujiangyan
Aerial view of Fulong Guan Temple showing pavilion in courtyard