Outerbridge Family Archives
Consists of photographs taken by Ralph Outerbridge of the United Church of Canada Mission during his medical missionary work in West China, 1938-1951. Some of the images are of medical conditions found in West China that Ralph used in the research he conducted to qualify as a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).
Stockwell Family Archives
This collection of slides and prints was created by Olin Stockwell of the Methodist Episcopal Foreign Mission Society. The purpose of the series of images was to illustrate lectures that missionaries gave at churches in America to promote their work in West China.
Johns Family Archives
Most of the photographs in this collection were taken by Alfred Johns, educational missionary of the Canadian Methodist Mission. Johns was the first mathematics professor at the newly established West China Union University, Chengdu, Sichuan, when he and his wife Myrtle Madge Johns arrived in West China in 1910.
Bowles Family Archives
Images taken by Newton Bowles, Canadian Methodist missionary to West China, from the Bowles family archives.
Graham Family Archives
This collection consists of scanned glass plate images made from photographs taken by David Crockett Graham when he was a missionary in China, 1911-1948. Graham originally wrote the captions in the late 1950s. His daughter Dorothy Graham Edson annotated the captions in 1992, enclosing her text in square brackets and adding her initials, DGE. Most of the dated images are from between 1918 and 1927, but some are clearly from earlier and later. Graham was an anthropologist and natural science collector, so many of his images are of interest to ethnology and archaeology.
Event Records in China Middle Kingdom Digital Resource
This collection draws together all the Event records in the database in order to make them more easily manageable and discoverable.
Stinson Family Archives
Willmott Family Archives
This collection consists of photographs and other items that are in the possession of the Willmott family. Most of the images were created by either Leslie Earl or Donald Earl Willmott, but it also includes portions that were not created by Willmotts.
Historic and analytic maps of China and the world.
This collection includes both original data and analyses of data relevant to understanding the West China missionaries.
Willmott Blue Brocade Album
Photograph album with jacket made of blue silk brocade with gold thread and motif of auspicious signs. The pages of the interior are blue paper with photographs attached with black corner brackets. Some of the photographs have captions written in blue ink.
Simpson-Estabrook Family Archives
This collection of photographs and ephemera was compiled by members of the Simpson-Estabrook family during and after their work as missionaries to West China for the Canadian Methodist Mission (CMM) and its Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) branch, 1910-1926.
RS6681 Jolliffe Album
Scrapbook of Jolliffe family photographs and ephemera with captions.