Graham Family Archives

Item set

Graham Family Archives
This collection consists of scanned glass plate images made from photographs taken by David Crockett Graham when he was a missionary in China, 1911-1948. Graham originally wrote the captions in the late 1950s. His daughter Dorothy Graham Edson annotated the captions in 1992, enclosing her text in square brackets and adding her initials, DGE. Most of the dated images are from between 1918 and 1927, but some are clearly from earlier and later. Graham was an anthropologist and natural science collector, so many of his images are of interest to ethnology and archaeology.
Graham, David Crockett
Date Created
1911-1948 (The Graham's missionary years in West China)
The glass plates were made from DC Graham's negatives or prints by the Board of Missionary Cooperation of the Northern Baptist Convention. Many of these prints are now at the National Anthropological Archives at the Smithsonian. DC Graham gave the glass plates to his daughter Dorothy Graham Edson, who then gave them to her son David Warner Edson. The Edson family then donated the plates to the Whitman College and Northwest Archives at Penrose Library, where they currently reside.
Whitman College and Northwest Archives at Penrose Library,%20David%20Crockett
Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7148, David Crockett Graham Papers
Smithsonian Archives, DC Graham Collection Finding Aid
The David Crockett Graham Field Book Collection: A Portal for Chinese Culture and Biodiversity
David Crockett Graham Historical Fund - Non-profit organization devoted to preserving and disseminating the lifetime work of David Crockett and Alicia Morey Graham.
David Crockett Graham Historical Fund
Green Forest Sales: Purveyor of books and digital media with primary source material from the life and work of David Crockett Graham.
Green Forest Sales


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